Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today I learned something about myself.

I spent a lot of the day wondering what I was going to learn. Although a lot of what I've been learning and posting has been new skills, today I learned something about myself. It was toward the end of the day that I was at the local dollar store and saw this coloring book:
It’s the question most every little kid hears –  
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Some kids want to be a fireman or a ballerina, or a rock star. But as I flipped through the pages of astronauts and teachers and doctors, I had a realization come to mind. Even when we’re little kids, it’s drilled into us that our identity is tied to our profession. And I know a lot of people who have lost their jobs lately that have really struggled with that loss. And this picture just kind of hit home:

Where am I going from here?
And, how do I get there?

The truth is that I don't know what the future holds. But I am choosing to look at it as a sort of exploration into the unknown.

I realized today that I have become an adventurer. :)

This past week has been really good for me. I'm learning to stretch myself and leave my comfort zones. I've learned a lot of things and I am looking forward to learning more.

As far as what I'll be learning tomorrow...
I'll keep you posted.

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You put your input in! You take some insight out! You put your input in and you shaaake it all abooout...